Within this blog you will find nothing profound; only observations. As some of you may know I occasionally work at a health food store. By occasionally I mean less than once a week and by work I mean volunteer. I always say I'm too busy to go but when I'm there I'm super excited for anyone that needs help. Many times it's your routine cold or allergies or stomach ache; however, there are those few rare occasions when someone not only needs some health advice, but also a hug. These times are my favorite.
Don't get me wrong; I'm not excited that someone is sad, only that I get to talk to them about it. I get really excited when I get to help someone. So about three weeks ago a woman came in in tears. She was the cartoon character that when teary eyed, the eyes
literally filled with tears then they overflowed. It was very sad! Her husband is chronically ill and she was having her share of ailments herself. Without going into her personal life I will say that she was not necessarily at risk, however, felt horrible!
I first just gave her a hug because she made me want to cry because of how sad she was! Then I just listened. For one hour I listened to this woman and helped in any way that I could (which was not much) in the way of vitamins and herbs. After she left, I realized that I was so enthralled in her story that I had completely forgotten to get her number to call and check on her! So I began a small investigation of sorts. I found out her name from the credit card receipt. I looked up her number so that I could call her in one month to see how her new regimen was working.
Now...fast forward to the present.
Today I had
one million things to do! I had to be in Austin by four and lots of errands to run prior to going up there. So I go to the post office (one of the last things on my list) but I'm already running about an hour behind my schedule. I was talking on the phone and was very frazzled. So I hung up the phone and threw it on the seat so that I could run into the post office just real quick. I go in, mail my packages, and come back out to my car.
Hmmmmm......how to unlock the door...
especially when I can see the keys on the passenger seat...funny enough...right next to my phone!! Now let me just say that there aren't many pay phones now that two year olds carry cell phones! So I decide to walk to the hfs. It's a beautiful day so I think that maybe I should just enjoy my little walk. It's only about a half a mile, maybe three-quarters at the most. However, please remember that I have many things to do today for work!
I get to the hfs, call Lance and ask him to come get me, eat a popsicle (I really like popsicles), and then I wait. Lance gets there in about fifteen or twenty minutes and we get ready to walk out the door. I then decided to walk behind the counter to throw away my popsicle wrapper and a customer walks up to pay for her one item. I was going to ring her up super fast so that the girl working could talk to the other customer in the store.
Who was the customer you ask?? None other than my previously sad friend!! I got
super excited! I gave her a now happy because she's happy hug and was able to hear how much healthier she feels!! She was happy, healthy, and her husband's heath had improved for the first time . because of a new regimen. Yay!
My one half hour hassle turned in to the most exciting part of my week!